Spreading: Spreading is the process where fabric placed in a lay by lay.There are many ways fabric to spread.
Types of Lay
1.Single Ply
2.Multiple Ply
3.stepped lay
Requirement of Cut order Plan
1.capacity of the cutting machine
2.Volume of Production
3.Type of Fabric itself
4.Thickness of Fabric
Fabric Spreading Methods
1.Face up in a single Direction
2.Face up in both direction
3.Face down in a single direction
4.Face to face in a single direction
Types of Spreading Machine
1.Manual Spreading
2.Semi-Automatic Spreading
3.Auto Spreading
Types of Lay
1.Single Ply
2.Multiple Ply
3.stepped lay
Requirement of Cut order Plan
1.capacity of the cutting machine
2.Volume of Production
3.Type of Fabric itself
4.Thickness of Fabric
Fabric Spreading Methods
1.Face up in a single Direction
2.Face up in both direction
3.Face down in a single direction
4.Face to face in a single direction
Types of Spreading Machine
1.Manual Spreading
2.Semi-Automatic Spreading
3.Auto Spreading